Legal Notice

Responsible for the content:

CALA Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG


Velberter Straße 109A

45239 Essen


Telefon: +49 201 125 8798
Telefax: +49 201 840 5994



Kommanditgesellschaft, Essen
Essen Municipal Court HRA 10791
Tax Reference Number 202/5770/0790 (from Jan 01, 2018 Essen)
Turnover Tax Identification Number DE249042933


Individually liable:
CALA Aufbereitungstechnik Verwaltungs-GmbH
represented by Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jungmann
Essen Municipal Court HRB 28803
Tax Reference Number 202/5770/0790 (from Jan 01, 2018 Essen)
Turnover Tax Identification Number DE249042925


Disclaimer: We have taken great care in producing our web site and we give every effort to review and update the contents consistently. Nevertheless we are not liable for the accuracy, timeliness, conclusiveness or the availability of the content provided. We are also not responsible for the suitability of the content or for the appropriate usage or purpose of the web site for the user. Our web site is based on the German legal system. We do not take any liability concerning legal allowance of users from other countries.


Copyright: We have taken great care to respect the copyright of others and for instance to make use our own and unlicensed information. There is a copyright on the information provided by us concerning contents, acts, design and configuration of our web sites. Copying, reproduction, distribution and other use beyond the limitation of the copyright requires the written permission of the author or originator.


Latest Update: January 2018

CALA Aufbereitungstechnik

GmbH & Co. KG


Velberter Straße 109A

45239 Essen



T   +49.20 1.125 8798

F   +49.20 1.840 5994

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© CALA Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co KG